Are you incorporating social media in your B2B loyalty program?
Have you added social loyalty in your recognition program? Our CEO Dr. David Cox, one of the leading minds in global loyalty and recognition programs, quotes:
In a recent blog post by HMI, our USA ally in loyalty excellence, they discuss the merits of one of our predicted 2016 hottest loyalty trends. Read more at their blog here. Elements of the post are from one of our own blog articles, Loyalty Goes Social, from earlier this year.
Travel has long been considered a top reward in business incentive programs. The idea of visiting new places, experiencing different cultures, and stepping away from the daily grind is highly appealing. But what if this desire for travel isn't just a matter of preference? What if it's something deeper, something embedded in our very DNA? This is where the DRD4-7R gene, sometimes called the "Wanderlust Gene," comes into play.
In the competitive world of B2B, attracting and retaining clients requires more than just a great product or service it demands a strategic approach to loyalty. Just as in physics, where a force initiates motion and momentum sustains it, these principles can be applied to building strong business relationships. Our latest blog explores how a well-crafted loyalty program not only draws clients in but also keeps them engaged over the long term.
Learn how to apply nudge theory to enhance your B2B loyalty program, drive engagement, and strengthen customer relationships.
Transform B2B loyalty with tiny habits. Discover the "Atomic Loyalty" approach for lasting relationships.
Explore the realities of modern loyalty programs and debunk common myths that hinder their effectiveness. Learn how strategic program design, genuine value creation, sophisticated tier systems, measurable ROI, and social media engagement can transform outdated views and enhance business success.
The era of third-party cookies is ending. Want to stay ahead? Invest in loyalty programs to unlock the rich insights your customers are already willing to share.
Drive into the fast lane of B2B loyalty in the automotive world, where strong partnerships fuel innovation, trust, and competition winning strategies.
Tired of boring loyalty programs? Get inspired by the queen of fan engagement, Taylor Swift. Tips to follow her magic touch in your program.
Welcome to the electrifying world of CES 2024, where the latest in tech innovation takes center stage! But it's not just about gadgets and gizmos; it's a deeper tale of loyalty. The tech giants, our Goliaths, use their legacy, innovation, and integrated ecosystems to maintain a firm grip on consumer loyalty ahead of the start-up David’s.
Nick is a certified coach who believes in uncovering the gold in both people and businesses. Nick has specialised in organising motivational loyalty marketing campaigns and high-end incentive events for over 20 years.
Struggling with B2B loyalty? Our Rocky-inspired blog unlocks the keys to success.